Bulldog football 08

Kannen Dye, #32 for the Dimond Bulldogs! They made it to State and played their final game in October when there was already snow on the ground. Hot chocolate and bundles of clothes was the only way to make it through this game. They didn't win and it was an emotional time for coaches and team....better men were made.

Jared loves this stuff....and as long as Rush has sticks or something to hit, he's fine.

Grandpa J.C. got to come up and watch -

The Volley-balla

Jaesee started out on the C Team for Dimond High School - Home of the Lynx. She was talked about all season and they kept wanting to move her up to J.V., but there wasn't enough room until almost the end of the year. She did move up though, and she flourished in her skills. Every coach loves her for her serves, and after 5 successful ones, she got to do a jump serve like you see here.